International free city walk app now coming to Copenhagen!
The story is based on real events involving a child murder and an execution, while also providing insights into the science of that time. On the tour, you can experience new aspects of well-known historical landmarks as well as hidden and forgotten places in the city center.
The city walk is developed in collaboration between the Museum of Copenhagen (link to Facebook), the Copenhagen City Archives (link to Facebook), the University of Copenhagen (link to Facebook), and the University of Exeter (link to Facebook). Similar "Hidden Cities" city walk apps have been developed for cities such as Hamburg, Florence, Valencia, and Exeter.
Felt compelled to kill her own child:
February 1673. Nils, a young medical student, has just witnessed the Danish scientist Niels Stensen perform a public dissection of a human body. While he is on his way to his regular tavern by the harbor, the story unfolds about the child murderer Gertrud Nielsdatter and how her body became the centerpiece of a university lecture.
The Hidden Copenhagen - The Anatomy of the City walking tour tells the true story of child murder, execution, and public dissection in 17th-century Denmark. It provides a window into a world that transformed women like Gertrud Nielsdatter into social outcasts because they had children outside of wedlock. Therefore, some women felt compelled to take the lives of their newborns. The court was harsh towards these women, and if discovered and convicted, the punishment was decapitation.
The walking tour ends at the Copenhagen Museum on Stormgade 20, where you can see a range of artifacts from the period, including the fragment of glass, which is also featured in the app.
Download the city walk here – it is available in both Danish and English:
• Google Play: Hidden Copenhagen – Apps i Google Play
• App Store: Hidden Copenhagen i App Store (
• Explore Resen's map of Copenhagen from 1674: link to